Tuesday, July 14, 2009

LG Triathlon

The LG Triathlon in honor of Laura Genelin who passed away from cancer a year ago. Laura was an avid triathlete and enjoyed participating in numerous events through out CO. To keep her passion alive, her friends decided to have one in her home town of Eagle.  The event raised money for her children's college fund and future events will see the proceeds being donated to other children who have a lost a parent to cancer. The event was held in Eagle, CO. With swim taking place at the Eagle Pool and Ice Rink. The 12 mile bike ride was up Brush Creek Road with a loop through Adams Rib. The final push, a 5K run through parts of Eagle Ranch. Images are available for purchase through Collages.net with 10% of the purchase being donated to the Genelin Family. Thank you to all who participated, helped put on the event, donated their time and prizes for this great event. 

Thursday, July 9, 2009

LG Triathlon

This Saturday, July 11th the 1st annual LG Tri is being held in Eagle in memory of Laura Genelin. She passed away a year ago leaving behind two beautiful children and a husband. The object of the Triathlon is keep her passion for Triathlons alive with the proceeds going to her children's college fund. I'll be photographing this event and will donate 10% of the proceeds to this fund as well. Stay tuned...images will be posted soon after the event and available to purchase. Good luck to all participants!